10 Important Things Your Website Might Be Missing (Part 1 of 2)

Posted Thu, September 12, 2019 by Leslie Brewer - WebRevelation

This is a 2-part series, the second half of this article can be read here.

Do you ever wonder why your website isn't bringing in new business? You have the staff, vision and determination, but you're hitting a wall. Sound familiar? That could be due to key aspects that your website is potentially missing, 5 of which are outlined below.

#1 Security...It's A Must

If you accept online payment on your website then you need to offer your clients a secure portal and abide by certain requirements. One fast way to lose business is jeopardizing your credibility by compromising your customs confidential information. Ensure you are a trusted business by setting up strong security.

#2 Private Domain Name

You might think this goes without saying, but that's not necessarily true. Often times we find that business owners don't understand the value in establishing a private domain. However, investing in a professional web design partner is money well spent and tells website visitors that you're serious about your business. 

#3 Simple And Straightforward Navigation

Does your website require users to click on 10 different tabs in order to get to their desired destination? Some research indicates that users will abandon a site within a few seconds if they are not getting what they need out of a site. With all the strong competition out there, make sure you're giving your users a user-friendly experience.

#4 Clear And Concise Details

Sure, beautiful images and descriptive text is important on a website to get viewers engaged, but if you include a 200+ word description about your services then you could very well lose viewers immediately. Don't confuse people with your robust descriptions. Instead, be describe what your business does at a glance by providing key details, but omit the minute and inconsequential verbiage. Don't overcomplicate things, sometimes less is more.

#5 SEO (search engine optimization) 

Lastly, though certainly one of the most important aspects of a strong website, is search engine optimization. In case you're not already familiar with the term, simply put, SEO helps your business with page ranking on search engines, such as Google. This is essential in getting new visitors to your website and ultimately helps with making more leads and sales. 

Ready For A New Website To Boost Your Business? 

The concepts stated above might sound daunting to do on your own, so let WebRevelation help. WebRevelation has more than a decade of experience assisting businesses of all types improve their website. Don't wait until your sales plummet! Contact WebRevelation today at 817-283-3324 to set up a free consultation. You'll be glad you did.

You can now read the continuation of this blog post, "10 Important Things Your Website Might Be Missing (Part 2)".

Posted in : Blog
Tags : SEO , websites , security , domain name , navigation