What Every Business Owner or Executive Should Know About Mobile Web Development

Posted Thu, June 12, 2014 by Julie Short - The HVAC Girl

For a lot of business leaders, mobile web development is a little bit like the weather - they understand it well enough to see the trends, but couldn't really tell you what the real driving forces or long-term implications are.

That's understandable, especially given that things on the web are changing all the time and business owners, executives, and managers have lots of other challenges to worry about. Still, there are a few basic things you should understand about the process of launching, coding, and profiting from the mobile version of your business site:

There is probably less work and expense involved than you think. Because most mobile business websites can largely be modeled after an existing web presence, the process usually isn't as long, involved, or expensive as clients tend to expect it will be. In many cases, it's just a matter of taking what you already have and adapting it for smaller screens and different browsers.

There isn't any single way to develop a mobile website. For some companies, a dedicated mobile web presence is the answer; for others, a responsive re-design of an existing site makes more sense. And even within these broad solutions, there are different kinds of layouts, features, and even content strategies that make sense. The point is that you probably need a mobile-friendly site, and can get guidance on how to build it from an experienced creative team.

Mobile web development can increase your marketing reach dramatically. There are a lot of reasons for this, beginning with the tens of millions of people who are switching to iPhones, Kindles, and other web-ready mobile devices every year. This is even more true overseas, where a lot of people are ditching traditional computers altogether. In fact, mobile web usage is expected to make up the majority of worldwide Internet traffic by the middle of 2014. That means there are a lot of potential customers out there waiting to view your mobile-ready site.

And finally, mobile web development can be very cost-effective. When you combine low development expenses with big marketing opportunities, good things tend to happen. Every business is different, of course, and you can make any guarantees in our industry. But, if you're looking for a solid way to beef up your bottom line, you could do a lot worse than a mobile website.

You don't have to understand the technical details of mobile web development, or learn any HTML, to see that it can be a great thing for your business. Why not talk to a member of our team today and see how we can build the perfect mobile website for you?

Julie Short - The HVAC Girl - marries mechanical engineering with marketing to bring insight for manufacturers and manufacturers reps for online marketing. The HVAC Girl partners with WebRevelation to bring manufacturers and the HVAC industry powerful online solutions.

Posted in : Blog
Tags : mobile website