Once you get past the initial creativity needed to imagine a new product, manufacturing tends to be an almost scientific process - find a way to produce more quickly, affordably, and reliably than the other guy, and you'll see your profits go up. Fail to pay enough attention to your margins, and your business will be bleeding cash in no time.
It's that fact - that manufacturers are always walking a tight rope of efficiency - that makes web-based software options so important to staying in the black over the long term. In fact, we've helped several different firms to update their manufacturing processes, eliminating waste and lowering costs at the same time.
Along the way, we've learned there are a few important things manufacturers love about specialized software:
No more data errors. Ordering the wrong materials, scheduling the wrong employees, or miscalculating a customer order are just a few of the ways businesses can accidentally squander huge amounts of time and money. With web-based software, you can turn data input errors into a thing of the past.
Getting rid of ill-fitting software packages. Often, an audit of a manufacturer's software processes shows they're using extensive workarounds in the form of add-ons and endless spreadsheet pages that amount to dozens of hours of "busywork" for their employees, just because they don't have the applications they really need for things like payroll and inventory.
Improved customer order flow. By letting customers place their own orders and set things like shipping locations on their own, you improve accuracy and free up time for your sales and customer service teams.
Better order delivery times. More and more companies are going to a just-in-time inventory system; that requires a software platform that can feed you up-to-date information across your company so you can meet tough deadlines when needed.
Less time and money being wasted. What all of this amounts to is more efficiency in every part of the manufacturing process. When you aren't wasting time and money, you can lower prices, enjoy higher margins, or both.
When it comes down to it, manufacturers taking advantage of web-based software have a huge advantage over their competitors. The only question is: Are you one of the businesses that's benefiting, or one of the others who are lagging behind?
Looking for ways to improve the margins in your manufacturing business? Talk to The HVAC Girl today and let us share some of our case studies and success stories with you.