Why Blogging Still Matters

Posted Wed, May 27, 2015 by Julie Short - The HVAC Girl

As far as Internet marketing advice goes, "develop and use a company blog" is right up there with "eat five servings of vegetables per day." That is, just about everyone agrees that it's a good piece of advice, even if very few people actually follow it. Here are just a few of the biggest reasons that blogging still matters:

Every blog post you create counts as a new

Your Blog is a Newsletter, Spreading Company and Industry Information

Potential customers want to know what's going on with your business and industry. And they want to know that you're aware of what's going on in your business and industry. For that reason, it's important to update your blog so that you can both spread information about news or events and boost your own credibility as a marketer at the same time.

Your Blog is the Centerpiece of a Strong Search Marketing Strategy

Every blog post you create counts as a new page on your website in Google's eyes. The more pages you have, focused around a particular topic and/or keyword phrase, the more relevant and authoritative you seem on a given subject. When you have dozens, or even hundreds of blog posts centered around a general topic, it's only natural that you're going to start receiving more search traffic as a result.

An Active Blog Supports Your Social Media Campaigns (and Vice Versa)

When you post something new to your blog, it gives you a topic to bring up on your social media profiles. And your blog posts can serve as a conversation-starter with followers on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google +. Things can go the other way, too, where your social profiles can guide people to your articles, moving them onto your website when they might have otherwise taken their attention (and business) elsewhere.

One Great Blog Post Can Have a Huge Effect on Your Business

Create one good blog post, complete with a flashy title and attention-grabbing image, and it might get you tens of thousands of views as a result. That kind of attention can help promote your brand, create new opportunities for writing and speaking, and even provide a short-term sales boost not to mention motivate you to write more blog posts in the future.

If you aren't making the most of your blog, now is the perfect time to generate a few new posts, promote them on social media, and see what happens. It's never too late to start using your blog as it was intended and getting better results in the process.

Did you know that The HVAC Girl can handle things like business website design, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and so much more? Contact us in Dallas at 817-283-3324 to see how we can help!

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Tags : blog